Chair’s Update
As I write this the crushing has been progressing quite well, the mill area is approximately 78% harvested with a YTD average Relative CCS of 13.81. Over the next couple of weeks it will be interesting to see if CCS continues to increase, or if the usual peak has been reached for the year.
Haven’t the conditions become dry, it hasn’t rained any amount since August and I’m sure everyone is looking for a bit of moisture even if it does impact the crushing a little, newly planted cane and ratoons would really appreciate it. If the dry weather continues we will be facing possible fire restrictions and have been keeping in contact with the local Fire Chief to stay informed. The drop of rain received last week was welcome although it soon dried out again.
The mill has seen some excellent reliability helped along by the dry weather and we are looking at 6-8 December as a finish date, weather permitting. To ensure the mill finishes by these dates, growers are reminded to have conversations with their harvesting contractor about ensuring that all bin allotments are filled, and the bins are filled as close to 6 or 21.5 tonnes as possible. At this stage of the season every unfilled bin and every short, filled bin delay the finish of the harvest and create a greater exposure to additional wet weather delays.
There has been a substantial planting program occurring spurred on by the high sugar prices. Let’s hope they keep holding up.
Bundaberg CANEGROWERS met with some of the State Election candidates prior to election day to push for some positive outcomes for the local sugar industry and farming community. It will be hard to ensure these outcomes due to competition for other projects and budgetary constraints now the election period has finished. Congratulations to Tom Smith, Bundaberg, Stephen Bennett, Burnett and Bryson Head, Callide on their re-election.
We will continue to advocate for the best outcomes for our members when dealing with the new elected LNP Government on issues of regulation, right to farm and electricity and water prices.
Oreco have employed a new Baling Manager to oversee and coordinate baling operations. We hope the change in staff and processes improves their track record from the season so far. If you would like to arrange baling of surplus cane trash please contact Barry on 0487 788 770.
Following our requests we are pleased that Sunwater has agreed to continue the electricity cost pass through trial for both the 2023/24 and 2024/25 year. To date the outcomes of the trial saw the following overcollection from electricity allowances returned to Bundaberg Scheme Irrigators:
- 2020/2021 – $14.88/ML resulting in $1,913,400 returned by credits across the scheme.
- 2021/2022 – $13.26/ML resulting in $695,200 returned by credits across the scheme.
- 2022/2023 – $12.29/ML resulting in $732,200 returned by credits across the scheme.
- 2023/2024 – $15.46/ML resulting in $1,310,925 returned by credits across the scheme.
Bundaberg CANEGROWERS Limited and Bundaberg Sugar Services Limited AGMs were held at Brothers Club on Thursday, 24 October, amendments to the Constitution of Bundaberg CANEGROWERS were adopted and Tanya Howard replaced Dale Holliss as Company Secretary of Bundaberg Sugar Services Limited. Elliot Apel, QSL Trading and Risk Assistant Manager provided a market update and forecast for the remainder of the 2024 Season.
All staff have been extra busy during this time of year with mill auditing, N&P budgets, preparations for the AGM and general day to day activities and remain committed to providing grower biased, needs based and outcome focused services, representation and leadership.
Mark Pressler
To read the October edition click here